How to use Tectum Test Node?
To start testing Tectum blockchain, you need to run the Tectum Test file Node.exe (Download on GitHub>>). During startup, a reaction from the antivirus/firewall is possible, this is due to the features of the software, it is necessary to ignore the warning and continue the launch. We do NOT DISTRIBUTE malware, and you can be sure of the security of the application being launched.After launching the application, you will be asked to enter your login details or register. When using it for the first time, click the “registration” button and fill in the required fields. The account is activated instantly!
Usage of the client node:
The “Node” window.
This window displays blockchain events in real-time.
The “Briefcase” window.
In this window, you can perform all the basic actions with the system using TET test tokens. In the “Make transaction” section, click the “Refresh” button to get a list of tokens available for transactions.
Upon registration, you are automatically credited with 1000 TET. Click on the token in the list in the “My tokens” window on the right side of the interface in the “Transfer” window, you will see your TET address. You can share this address with another member to have them transfer TET Test tokens to your account. You can also transfer TET from your wallet to any Test participant.
In the “Token” section, you can get information about the ICO of the used token by entering the ICO number from the “My tokens” window of the “Make transaction” section in the “Token ID” field.
The “Blocks” section displays information about the specified range of blockchain blocks (you can set a range of blockchain blocks (you can set a range of no more than 10 blocks).
The Latest block section displays comprehensive information about the latest block range, including transaction speed, hash rate, and other block write parameters.
The “Startup” section in this version of the application is deactivated, but it gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the possibility of launching your own ICO within the Tectum network.

use Tectum Test Node
The “Report” section displays information about the last 10 transactions between network members.
- BTC window.
This window allows you to transfer test BTC using the Tectum network. You can get test BTC on one of the following sites by following the instructions on them.
You can find out the address of your test wallet by clicking the “Show address” button. This is the address you should specify when requesting test BTC. Using this address, you can also receive test BTC from other test participants.
Pressing the “Refresh” button initiates an update of the test wallet data.
The “Send” section allows you to send test BTC to other test participants, indicating their wallet address and the amount of transfer.
If you have any questions about using Tectum TestNET v1.3, you can get advice from the project participants and administration in the telegram group or join support group: